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4 Project Status and Infrastructure Levels

4.1Project status

Projects are categorised along two different project status: FID and non-FID. As for TYNDP 2018 the non-FID status has been sub-categorised into ­non-FID Advanced (hereafter Advanced) and ­non-FID Less-Advanced (hereafter Less Advanced).

Each project status is directly derived from the information provided by its promoter and according to the rules set in the ENTSOG Practical Implementation Document:

  • The FID status of a project corresponds to a project that has taken the final investment ­decision before the closure of TYNDP project collection period. Projects with FID status are identified in TYNDP project code with an F (e. g. TRA-F-000);
  • The Advanced status is applied to all non-FID projects that have:
    • commissioning year expected at the latest by 31 December of the year of the TYNDP project data collection + 6 (e. g. 2025 in case of TYNDP 2020, for which projects have been collected in 2019)
    • and
      • whose permitting phase has started ahead of the TYNDP project data collection
      • FEED1 has started (or the project has been selected for receiving CEF2 grants for FEED) ahead of the TYNDP project data ­collection.
  • Projects with Advanced status are identified in TYNDP project code with an A (e. g. TRA-A-000)
  • All projects which do not meet the FID or ­Advanced criteria are considered as having the Non-Advanced status. Projects with Non-Advanced status are identified in TYNDP project code with an N (e. g. TRA-N-000).

Based on the past TYNDP experience and the ­recommendations expressed by ACER in their Opinions, the Advanced status was already introduced in the 2017 edition3  and allows to better ­reflect the different project maturities. This status was defined in close cooperation with ACER and the European Commission, and in consultation with stakeholders.

Additionally, the PCI status is assigned to a project which is part of the latest approved 4th Union list of Projects of common interest (The PCI List) referred in Article 3 of the Regulation (EU) 347/2013, ­irrespective of the above-mentioned project status.

1 Front End Engineering Design as the basic engineering activity conducted after completion of the conceptual design or the (pre-)feasibility study.
2 The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is an EU funding instrument defined in Art. 14 of Regulation (EU) 347/2013.

4.2Infrastructure levels

Project status is used to define different infrastructure levels. These infrastructure levels are used in the TYNDP for the assessment of the European gas system.

  • Existing infrastructure level: existing infrastructures + infrastructure projects having their commissioning date not later than 31 December 20194
  • Low infrastructure level: existing infrastructures + infrastructure projects having FID ­status (whatever their PCI status is);
  • Advanced infrastructure level: existing infrastructures + infrastructure projects having FID status + Advanced projects;

For the first time, in TYNDP 2020, ENTSOG has ­introduced the Existing infrastructure level. Its ­inclusion allows for a better identification of the infrastructure gaps and, together with the Low and Advanced infrastructure levels represents a basis for project-specific assessment.

As recommended in the ENSTOG 2nd CBA Methodology, another infrastructure level is considered in relation to the most recent PCI list i. e. the 4th ­Project of Common Interest List5 in case of TYNDP 2020 which was adopted by the European Commission on 31 October 2019.

The PCI infrastructure level is composed by existing infrastructures, infrastructure projects having FID status (whatever their PCI status is) and ­infrastructure projects labelled PCIs according to the previous selection (not having their FID taken yet). Although it includes projects of very different maturity, this infrastructure level allows to build a bridge between two sequential PCI selection rounds and to enable the assessment of the cumulative ­effects of the 4th list of PCI projects.

4 In case the projects create capacities in different year, the Existing infrastructure level includes only those capacities expected to be commissioned not later than 31 December 2019

For the first time, the Existing infrastructure level was also ­included, representing the minimum level of ­infrastructure development considered in the TYNDP­­ ­infrastructure gaps identification.

Once the infrastructure gaps are identified, the ­assessment of the European gas system is complemented by assessing the overall further impact of the Low, Advanced and PCI infrastructure levels.

The Existing, Low and Advanced infrastructure ­l­evels are also used as basis for the PS-CBA ­assessment.

Figure 1 illustrates the different infrastructure levels and their role in the TYNDP 2020 assessment.

Figure 1: Infrastructure Levels

In line with the TEN-E Regulation and the 2nd CBA methodology, the TYNDP provides a common basis for the Project-Specific CBA of each PCI candidate. This involves the assessment of different infrastructure levels of the gas infrastructure based on the level of maturity and PCI status of the projects.

The exclusion of non-Advanced projects from any infrastructure level does not prevent projects with a non-Advanced status to be assessed with a ­project-specific assessment against the Existing, Low and Advanced infrastructure levels, while providing at the same time a more robust and credible analysis of the system infrastructure gaps and of the ­potential benefits stemming from the ­realisation of any non-Advanced project.

Figure 2 shows the overall process of TYNDP 2020 system and project-specific assessment.

Figure 2: System Assessment and Project-Specific CBA in TYNDP 2020 process

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